

武侠小说网 www.wuxia.tw,最快更新生男熟女最新章节!

    live forever oasis/oasi definitely maybe

    maybe i do #039;t really want to know,how your garde grows.


    coz i just want to fly


    lately did you ever feel the ain?


    i the 摸rning rain,a it oak it to the one.


    maybe i just want to fly


    i want to live i do #039;t want to die


    maybe i just want to reath


    maybe i just do #039;t elieve


    maybe you're the ame a me


    we ee thing they'll ever ee


    you and i are go a 1ive forever


    mavbe i will ever e,all the thing that i want to e


    ut ow i ot the time to cry


    ow&#039 the time to find out why


    i think you're the ame a me


    we ee thing they'll ever ee


    you and i are go a live forever


    we're go a live forever


    go a“ve forever



    writte y oel gallagher

    ublished y creatio ong ltd。

    ony music ublishing

