

武侠小说网 www.wuxia.tw,最快更新德国见闻录最新章节!

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    德国见闻73 (晚霞)





    the sunset was tick out on the side with pink and purple

    the sky is deep grey clouds

    a whale go in the see

    there is a good night in the far away






    the sunset is like a cloud of smoke

    the old man went back and forth under the tree

    the chrysanthemums finish have driven a leaf

    tick-tock a sound report the time





    look out of the glass

    hazy like fog the road is over there

    there is quite a few car in the stop

    the colorful i cant see people


    “2015由近200个国家组成的代表团在巴黎通过磋商,就遏制地球灾难、全球都适用的气候保护协议达成一致。最终目标是提出把全球升温限制在摄氏两度以内的有效措施。“(引号内见于bing 搜索)

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